2023-06-07 Ulrike Fischer * latex-lab-block-tagging.dtx corrected tagging of caption * new latex-lab-firstaid.dtx with adaptions to external packages * latex-lab-float.dtx: declare variable * latex-lab-toc-hyperref-changes: use hooks with arguments * latex-lab-toc-kernel-changes: use hooks with arguments * latex-lab-sec.dtx: provide \pdfgentounicode with lualatex 2023-05-20 Ulrike Fischer * renamed latex-lab-sec-tagging -> latex-lab-sec for consistency 2023-05-19 Ulrike Fischer * new latex-lab-bib.dtx: tagging support for cite and bibliography with standard LaTeX and natbib * small corrections/adaptions in latex-lab-sec-tagging and latex-lab-toc-tagging 2023-05-18 Ulrike Fischer * new latex-lab-floats.dtx: tagging support for float environments * new latex-lab-graphic.dtx tagging support for includegraphics and picture environment * new latex-lab-minipage.dtx tagging support for minipage and parbox 2023-05-16 Frank Mittelbach * latex-lab-block-tagging.dtx (subsubsection{Verbatim instances}): verbatim environments get their own block instances so that they can receive special formatting instructions. This also fixes a bug that we forgot to set par-skip to 0pt by default (tagpdf/74) (paragraph{Helper commands for verbatim}): The \legacyverbatimsetup command needs to execute \@@par inside a group, because we need to preserve any outer setup to \parshape (tagpdf/79) 2023-04-09 Ulrike Fischer * latex-lab-sec-tagging.dtx: don't load extra glyphtounicode if \pdfglyphtounicode is not defined. 2023-04-09 Ulrike Fischer * latex-lab-footnotes.dtx: made \footnote and \footnotetext long 2023-03-08 Frank Mittelbach * latex-lab-block-tagging.dtx: Added the support for tagging display blocks and corresponding environments such as lists, quotes, verbatim, theorem-like envs, ... 2023-03-07 Ulrike Fischer * tagpdf updated * improved glyphtounicode support for luatex and math * adapted toc and sec tagging code to new two-level paragraph handling and block tagging code 2023-02-16 Ulrike Fischer * latex-lab-sec-tagging.dtx: first, simple tagging of sectioning commands * latex-lab-toc-tagging-functions.dtx, latex-lab-toc-kernel-changes.dtx, latex-lab-toc-kernel-changes.dtx: Tagging of table of contents and similar lists * tagpdf and pdfmanagement updated in texmf tree. 2023-02-04 Ulrike Fischer * latex-lab-footnotes.dtx: improve tagging of footnotes 2022-12-11 Joseph Wright * latex-lab-mathcapture.dtx New file to implement grabbing of math mode context 2022-04-11 Ulrike Fischer * documentmeta-support.dtx: updated documentation * moved output patches from pdfresources to latex-lab-new-or-1 * reorganized new-or: number subfiles as new-or-1, new-or-2 and load all with new-or. 2022-07-22 Frank Mittelbach * latex-lab-footnotes.dtx (subsection{Document-level commands}): Make mandatory arguments of \footnote and \footnotetext long (gh863) 2022-05-28 Joseph Wright * latex-lab-prototype.dtx Removed 2022-14-04 Ulrike Fischer * documentmeta-support.dtx: add key A-4 for first steps to support pdf/A-4 2022-03-08 Joseph Wright * latex-lab-prototype.dtx New file re-implementing ideas from on xtemplate.dtx using updated keyval support 2021-12-30 Ulrike Fischer * documentmeta-support.dtx: cleaned up keys and bundle name * added latex-lab-testphase.dtx for wrappers for the testphase key. 2021-12-16 Frank Mittelbach * README.md: Add the bundle to support project work.